Tuesday 12 October 2010

Second set of photographs for Short Assignment

Today I used 105mm Macro lens to photograph some different parts of my car, these are the best from the photographs taken. Conditions were better today then the other day as the sun was shining quite brightly meaning I could use faster shutter speeds of 1/100 and 1/125. On a couple of the photographs I was able to use a slightly smaller aperture to increase the depth of field.

The main problem I encountered was focusing, this was due to the combination of using the 105mm lens and holding the camera in my hand. I found I moved too much and lost the focal point.

I am going to make a final selection from all of the photographs I have taken for this assignment and post a final selection either later today or tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Using macro lenses without a tripod is a nightmare i did the same with my shots
    They look koool :)
